'Ubistart' is what I called the result of my Bachelor thesis.
It's a concept for a strategically more meaningful method for smart and targeted outdoor advertising. At the end I had a big prototype to show, programmed for the Kinect, with an application click-dummy and several short animations, which you can view here. It's a very technical and maybe complicated thesis in general.
Design Challenge
'The goal is to create a poster which offers relevant services for different situations.'
A concept for a smart poster together with its ecosystem which includes a prototype (smart and optimized city light display) and an app.
At first I show you something easy: the app to the whole system.
This video is showing a complete application click-dummy made with Adobe's Experience Design.
The 2nd video or animation is showing the first interaction you can do with such an intelligent display.
Imagine a normal city light display with that screen content. That's the animation for how you would use it via swipe gestures as soon as it detects you. The content for swiping has the perfect size and height, because of the size these displays have and where the average human would reach it best.

The logo with its 'slogan'. Because it's a concept for advertising I chose a nice, slightly cute and friendly look through its icons. The main colors are the 3 colors of the logo.

The following pictures are the screens how the menu with its options would look like. There are 4 options which you could use on that smart city light display: news, a map mainly for tourists, a traffic tracker and the weather.
Because these would have good locations where people wait or stand for a longer amount of time, that display gives you several benefits like: a battery saver, an interesting interactive gadget which shows you personal ads just for you. Last but not least: not everybody has a smartphone.

The increase of tourists everywhere and a lack of internet sometimes would let these maps come in very handy.

The traffic tracker shows the time trains or buses are late.

The weather screen shows the current cityscape in the background and the colors change related to daytime.

For developing good customer journeys I created 4 persona, from which 2 are shown. Unfortunately only in German.
The pictures are from the Google search, which I mentioned in the link directory of my thesis.

That's how my customer journeys look like. Again only in German, as you can see. They explain 5 steps of interaction with the smart city light display.

Here you can see my thesis and the pictures of my first, compared to my last prototype, which I also exhibited.
There were many more pictures created, but I hope these gave you a feeling for the thesis.
The core (the ecosystem) is only displayed in one picture here, not to give too much away. So for more specific informations regarding my thesis you're free to ask me questions.